Think Spring! January 20 2017, 0 Comments
It’s been a long cold winter.
Your probably thinking... You could say that again!
I’ve been dreaming of Spring.
Of planting vegetables in my raised bed gardens.
How I love to see my perennials start to pop up from the ground, that was once was cold and frozen.
I long to see new life everywhere.
Like the baby chicks and ducklings at the Family Farm and Home store.
Seeds of all kinds …
How many different kinds of Burpee sunflowers are there?
How do I decide which ones to buy?
What all can I plant in garden plots in the back yard?
How can I make my little victory garden prettier?
Why not a barn quilt on the old grey fence we have?
Yes…..I think the Floral Cosmos is just the thing.
Come warm weather, we all want to get outside and enjoy our yards.
Do some planting, bring out our lawn art…
Do you have any Gnomes? (I do, thanks to my son Sam)
What do you place in your gardens to brighten up your surroundings?
Have you ever thought of hanging some artwork in your gardens?
Marilyn Anderson - Artist & Designer
American Barn Quilts
Outdoor Art to Preserve Story
Oriental Poppy Barn Quilt March 25 2014, 0 Comments
Have you heard the song "Momma Like the Roses", by Elvis Presley?
Well my friend Kam, loved her Oriental Poppies.
She had them. Masses of them in her yard, when she lived here in MI.
Now she lives in Ohio (I miss her so), this barn quilt is to Honor you and your gardens.
I’m planning on planting a lot more flowers in my yard this year.
Soon we’ll head over to Horrocks and buy a few more poppies to plant in our yard.
They are so beautiful... I just wish the petals would stay on all summer.
So here is an Oriental Poppy who’s petals won’t fall off.
They come in all sizes and colors… just for the choosing.
For those who follow my blogs…
I’m joining the Garden Club at the Dorr Library.
So you might see more Barn Quilts with flowers on them.
A Yellow Rose Welcome to All Who Enter. February 26 2014, 0 Comments

What a pretty yellow home this is, in a beautiful country setting.
A big old red barn, a chicken coop, and a stone smokehouse with a tin roof.
Mary’s gardens were like Martha Stewarts must be….
filled with beautiful flowers, amazing vegetables, chickens, and few little goats.
(Are you picturing this in your minds eye yet?)
When I entered her home, it was like walking into a Country Living magazine.
She even was baking bread and snapping beans with her children that day.
As we chatted a bit, she invited me out to her back porch, where she entertains family and friends.
Mary quickly said, "Marilyn, I would love that 2ftx2ft Yellow Wig Rose barn quilt over here. How do you think it would look?”
My immediate thought…… “it fits her home and family to a “T”!"
What a pleasure to meet this down to earth family.
I believe the symbol of roses, are Love.
And love seems to abound in their home.
Their love of each other, nature, animals, and their God.
Blessings to you Mary,
and all who enter the pretty, yellow door of your home.
Thanks Son! June 28 2013, 0 Comments
Yes, this fabulous barn quilt, was a custom order. I had to step out of my box and draw this out on one of my software programs.
Okay…. I tried for 15 or so hours, and didn’t get very far. Until one morning, after letting go of the “I will do this” mentality, I woke up, and my thought was….. hire this to be done, by a tech geek. Wow, what a idea. Who could I call to help me? My #3 son, Ben.
I called him. He said, "Sure mom, I can help you with that!” He was even happier to help me, after I told him it was a paying job.
He came over, and within a much shorter amount time than I could ever spend, he figured it all out.
I did some finishing touches... and voila, I just love how it looks.
Every day is a new learning experience. Some days you learn that you need to ask for help.
Just as quilters sometimes need help, their quilting bee.
Sometimes we too, need to ask for help.
Has there ever been a project or time in your life where you needed to ask for help?
Thanks Son. I’m so proud of our work together. We made a great team.
Love Mom.